The Perverse Danger – Destiny of Monogamy in Transactional and Pornographic Societies
“Above all these virtues, is the godly Love as mutuality through improvement.” – Apostle Paulus
“Truly, truly, I say to you, everyone who practices sin is a slave to sin.” – Christ
People today are fooled into accepting a certain way of life, culturally, in which the only limits of morality are nearly identical with legality. This simply cannot be true, however, since ‘legality’ within the construction of governmental systems are often wrong and manipulative. This is how pornography is portrayed within legacy centralised media, harmless and normal. Hedonism is common and the default for most, so the story goes. As long as a transaction occurs with everything considered fair in the end, there can be no wrong. However, pornography and masturbatory lust are dangerous and damaging to the core of the soul and to the standing of women in society, as it corrupts the foundation of virtues: reason. The addictive habits of pornography and attendant masturbation train the mind toward unhealthy patterns of sexual thoughts, which is to say based outside of reality. These patterns include asocial transactional notions of society, obsessions with entitlement, distrust, low self-esteem, impatience, “high time preferences,” and “magic thinking.” It is essentially true that the good we can do in the World is limited by the evil we subject ourselves to.
What is found in the “modern” Western nation is a basic transactionalism of human life: an expectation that so long as a need is met according to some arbitrary measure, it may be met by any source and be considered valid. However this pattern only works within certain settings and given a set of “anonymisable” factors. Transactionalism in all areas of human life is the intention, and the purpose of this is easier management of people. This is why the oldest cultures within the World financial empire are the most at risk of decimation, as there is only value in promoting opposites of the primary imperial cultures, in order to steer them. Forced transactionalism is understood best as simple slavery, whereas manipulated and propagandised transactionalism is perceived as progressive and good. Sexuality and sexual intercourse are for entertainment in transactionalism, without care for the human costs. One partner now or another later makes no difference and one child now is no different from a child later and directly contradictory to the material balance envisaged in a supposed liberation of the “fairer sex,” in which sexual intercourse is entertainment as a right besides any actual natural consequences. The greatest detriment of standards is accomplished through selectively promoting some preferences and demonising others. Pornography consumption within a society makes this process occur more rapidly, as it trivialises human bonding itself, treating it as simple exchanges of services and needs. But what is the purpose in sexuality actually?
Pornography consumption and general lust baiting within society creates addiction and generates dependence. Essentially it is a hack of the human biological imperative, in this way it can also be defined as a mind virus hijacking human sexuality. It not only encourages dependence in the masturbatory action driven through chemical release, but builds a pattern of psychological dependence, relativity, and amoral comprehensions. This affects life along many avenues of causation, most especially to do with motivations, values, and ideals.
Further, this hack of human sexuality has been used as a weapon against humanity. It is the first weapon against the formation of sane sex relationships and a logical power balance within families and households. If there was a proper classification of drugs damaging to human society, “pornography” would be the singular “schedule zero” offender. It is evil, in the sense that it undermines humanity with the human aspect designed originally to uplift through relationships and healthy community. It is not simply the sexual and family-core relationships which are affected by this, but all relationships and every interaction within communities.
Not only are these healthy relationship dynamics uplifting to civilisation, but essential to society. This hack-a-thon of human sexuality is perfectly targeted at the very trunk of the tree. Sexuality within our society is the connection between past and future, because this is how humanity selects its future; see Spiritual Selection Theory (Roe 2023). Without some reason, logic, and moderation, there can be no future. Natural human systems are being replaced to inject artificial controls and power, but what people do not understand is they are cutting down the tree. All that can come of this project against humanity is pure barbarism.
Motivations are the least valuable when sated through mere material outcomes. Giving up on motivations and passions is not reasonable either, it ends in begging only. To accomplish anything of lasting good in the World, we must desire the resultant good above anything else. The mindset necessary to attain the correct notions and make the right decisions is perfectly ruined by materialism, always. Lust harms the spirit.
The degree of danger has most to do with how sexuality and, therefore, life become perceived. This perception is greatly altered by self-abuse. Self-abuse sets a precedent of expected excitements in ‘neuro-chemical’ reward outlets: moving pleasures. Much like raising the volume on music progressively and infinitely, eventually the ability to enjoy it at all in any way similar to before is lost. This is not because of the sexual thinking in itself, but the patterns of life experience set in motion. Is this life or panic from basic preoccupation with death? The spirit drowns.
The material aspect of sexuality is meant to coalesce with the spiritual. The greater pleasure in life overall is lost to those incapable of realising this. The rise in pornography, atheism, depression, and suicide rates are all connected to this. What is worse, those willing to take their own life due to this indescribable are likely very naturally capable in spirit. Pornography has the power to kill off the very best in society and make them worthless. It is the supernatural conception of spirit that has done the most damage, as the first denial of the actual spirit in humanity. It is easy to reject something if it is a lie created to misdirect. Regressively, we have stepped backwards, lain down, and been subsequently tied to lies about the nature of ourselves in materialism. Pornography and masturbatory behaviours have been most devastating in this process.
It is self-abuse to take part in any activity of human life not ultimately beneficial, most especially alone and hidden away in secret. This can constitute a lie and presents personal disfigurement, where self-buy-in to the lie disconnects the self from reality. How can any experience be fruitful for the purposes of understanding and the grand discourse toward truth if it is founded upon lies? Any activity that is not cloaked in a proper genuineness, and self-awareness, distracts from the genuine experience and the potential for favourable comprehensions. How can the expedience that comes from experience be good for you if part of you is not genuinely in it?
A masturbatory society will teach that the identity of a person depends most upon their internal beliefs about the self, and that this atom of individuality can only be corrupted by society. The only path to true individuality, according to this idea of the World, is pure masturbatory activity. This is plainly delusional, however, when written out in a clear way here. This is because it is indeed insane, and structurally cancerous. What a person believes about the self is mostly meaningless in terms of others, outside of how well it can help them associate with their communities. Other people are under absolutely no obligation to support anybody in their internal view of self. Such a psychotic burden placed upon citizens is a civilisation-ending proposition, if allowed to persist.
The most persistent of lies are those that promote environments which make the lies more believable. The idea that the individual is outside of the scope of their society is most certainly one of those lies. Belief in the lie encourages such actions that generate environments amenable primarily to the lie, making it that much more believable. This is to say the belief is fragmentary by its very existence. This is a lionised isolation in which a person is seized by the notion that their actions are fundamentally individual, primarily impacting only the self, and need only be “true” to the self given current emotional states. It is pernicious because it is masturbatory. It can be labelled the “masturbatory lie” because it is so fundamental to masturbatory actions. The only truth here is that everything you do in this life ultimately affects others, your relationships, the people in your relationships, communities, society, and civilisation.
Once the masturbatory lie is sacrosanct, not even the individual can override it. The lie imbues the bearer with a sense that their behaviours are consequences of this nature or individuality. Instead of lessons, the person will learn excuses. People who believe they cannot control themselves can be expected to give up on self-control entirely. It is a lie to say that preferences stem purely and solely from immutable characteristics set at birth. Instead, our preferences are realised by a process of self-image and social redemption. The masturbatory lie leads to emotional thinking, and preferences are associated more directly with simple pleasure or pain. In this abject state, the person will conceive of freedom as promises of unlimited pleasure or end to all pain: impossibilities ultimately focused upon gaming things with money manipulations or violence. The manipulated become the manipulators here.
A person may not reside upon these things consciously or actively, but the images and associated patterns remain on the brain. The apparent ‘viability’ of such illogical actions increases with each performance and positive reinforcement. With each subsequent unreasonable action, the rebuke of reason itself is validated, becoming a testament to negative beliefs about the self. While these beliefs may not be immediately conscious at all times, they still inform ideation and generation. Beliefs about the self make up this background tapestry to all thoughts. This makes a person more willing to believe other lies that support himself or others in such socially cancerous notions about individuality.
Pornography trivialises the purpose of sex in bond-building, rendering the act debased and devoid of more spiritual value. The atom of a sustainable society was never the individual, but the pair-bond and their value in functional healthy families. The act of sex can be focused purely upon the material and pleasure rewards, or it can be focused upon the relationship. If it were not about the relationship and spiritual aspects of integration, it would be done alone. This is another way of saying that sexuality can be more objective and animalistic or subjective and humanistic. As an endeavour toward positive psychology and beneficial community, the sexual act is more appropriate in subjective terms since passion-objectivity dictates an ignorance of the course in spiritual purposes, which is to say material indulgences must turn the person away from the light or the desires are exposed as worthless and dark.
Psychomenal activities (the judgement of beauty and potential good) are clouded by the intrusive and sexuality overwhelming imagery (Roe 2023). Psychomenal judgement of a person is impacted fundamentally by regular exposure to pornography. Gratuitous displays of wanton material obsession glorify unquenchable lust. This process can only lead to anti-social reactivity and depravity, in either isolation and depression or an inappropriate objectification and gaming of courtship. If the psychomenal judgements are disabled, then honest erosic processing cannot occur, this is where mistakes happen and people make bad decisions romantically and sexually (Roe 2023).
Monogamy relies upon a societal environment in which the sexual act is considered sacred. In a progressive civilisation, the pair-bond must be based upon spiritual considerations more than the sexual and momentary. In such a progressive civilisation, monogamous sexual relationships would be, not only encouraged but, improved through culture and education. Choosing a mate for reproduction and family should involve a process in careful psychomenal judgement of self and others. Relying simply upon material or moving judgements of others, and ignoring their character and intellectual potential, is bound to failure in human terms. Human beings are fundamentally different evolutionarily, so the rules of fitness are immersed in the culture and spirit of the society.
The ideal solution is to stop masturbation completely at once and immediately. However, pornography consumption and masturbation generate physiological and psychological addictions, which can be complicated by other addictive tendencies with which a person may struggle. In extreme cases, where other solutions have failed, it may be valuable to attempt a tapering off and reconditioning of behavioural patterns. The most important first step is to cease pornography consumption. If this in itself proves difficult, then it can be accomplished with smaller steps. These steps should be obvious, and involve staging into milder content and less impressive media. Another staging can involve separation of the arousal and completion, with consumption of the tamer imagery being reserved for arousal only.
Eventually, the masturbation can occur using mental imagery only. Masturbation alone without pornographic consumption is not nearly as terrible for a person, however there are no genuine benefits to it other than potentially enabling somebody to give up pornography. Masturbation in itself does nothing for the primary purposes of sexual intercourse: procreation and maintenance of a relationship at the core of a healthy family unit that supports childhood development. Once the masturbatory activity is accomplished through mental imagery, then ceasing the activity altogether should become much easier, especially with stoical and virtues progression in other areas of life.
Own the nobility at heart, while not forgetting the weakness that pulled you down. That is your new strength, to comprehend the weakness and its origins. This goes for so many selfish activities that have no legitimate benefit for your family, community, nation, or humanity. Disown them however you can, and make them not part of you. Let go of the moving desires. What excites activities to improve life are not those things that cloud the vision of improvement. Love for the self is best expressed through improvement and empowering others to improve. In every activity, it should be considered, how much good is coming from this, and for how many? Distractions abound in order to draw people into consumerism, mostly. However, regardless of intent, much of it can have greater consequences than what first appears.
A person must want to progress, but this can only come from a recognition of what legitimate progress is, as well as what it means to fail. When failure occurs, it is most important to reside upon how it happened and enact steps to avoid it in the future. This is a godly discourse, and an aspect of divinity granted humanity. Successes must be recognised but this cannot happen if the mind is wrapped up in the desires which are to be overcome. It is true that the successes in overcoming bear little resemblance to the sin. Less materialism leads to greater attachments personally which mean deeper capacities for love both for the individual and society.
Live and die in the eyes of another as imperfect, or strive for greater alignment with reality? Run from past mistakes in shame and denial or learn from them? This is why it is not enough to simply not see pornography. A person must want to be free. Freedom is the ability to recognise and do good; freedom is in virtues. Desire for true freedom is a divine desire as part of a process toward virtues. Yearning for virtues must be increased beyond material concerns, so that the mind is controlled. It is normal to want the sexual act, but without propriety it can have no limit. The desire for virtues is to do with the place of self in connection to love for the divine, truth, and goodness, which all has to do with recognition of beauty.
Does the material serve the Spirit only for the Spirit to be forced into subjection in turn? Of course this cannot be. Focus, energy, goodness, spirit, consciousness-subconsciousness, and community are all aligned, and their coincidence is meaningful. Realisation that preoccupations are distortions of the divine mental connection comes with the recognition that such thoughts are outside of the primary purpose in mind. This is another way of saying that great minds think for themselves, greater minds think of others for others, and the greatest minds think of Good for God.
Roe, M. A. (2023). Resurrexit Spiritus. 24K Journal of Virtues Science. Series 1 Issue 0.