Manteic Ontology and Theory of Mind part 1 – Subconscious Connections

“This whole idea that humans have this soul, or spirit, and they have free will, […] that’s over. Today we have the technology to hack human beings on a massive scale.” – Yuval Noah Harari (WEF intellectual)

If humans were really soulless and hackable, as so-called “transhumanists” claim, they would demonstrate it with proof, not say it. They say it because they have no proof, and they have none because there is nothing to support the claim. They say it because it is not true but they wish to deceive. Computer ability is not equatable with the human mind in anyway. Artificial intelligence is limited by the nature of its being, transistors. So let us create a theory of mind that disputes it.

transhumanism, life, death


Humans are incredible and exceptional. We are also limited in many ways. Humanity cannot sense things animals can, such as sounds or lights outside of specific ranges, faint smells, and magnetism. Abilities in various senses are selected against through the offset of higher fitness traits that make up for the decreased fitness, typically due to changes in environment. Obviously the higher fitness traits, in the case of humans, had to do with advancements of the mind and community. So, it would seem this deadened sensitivity all around might simply be explained by larger brains and more community advantages. This does not describe the evolution as it looked immanently, however the obvious shape of the changes provide clues.


Brain development was an evolutionary consequence of lifestyle and so common trends can be expected between populations sharing lifestyles. If a group of hominids are successful with a particular lifestyle, the genes they carry will spread very quickly. This is especially true of those fittest to it. Therefore, a coherent and evolutionary-based psychological model of mind requires foundational evolutionary theories for human beings.

The current model accepted by most anthropologists is in disarray, unable to explain the majority of unique human features, the diversity of hominid specimens, nor the regular hybridisation events (Roe 2023a). The human mind has evolved under incredible pressure, from parallel primary lifestyles, on land and at sea (Roe 2024a). This makes most sense from a ‘suspended’ generalising, so to speak, using the evolution of the consciousness across multiple lifestyles through hybridisation. Further, beyond early hominid, the first human social settings were ruled by common religious and spiritual beliefs, shared culture. It was within these early cultures with more spiritual mate selection took place, that Sapiens took final shape (Roe 2023b). It was early religion that ultimately channeled the various lifestyle-informed tendencies toward greater community, and most importantly culture.


Philosophers have proposed that the conscious mind could not conceive of universals at all if the first and highest intellect, the One, was not already doing so. This implies that parts of the mind have a basic inclination toward universals because of a connection to the One. It also means this connection to the One is a reference to phenomena of the mind, most particularly those to do with the subconscious. This supports the notion of intellectual origination in the subconscious, the seat of creativity.

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The subconscious is more original. The mind did not develop from simplicity to complexity. Rather the mammalian mind developed from fuzzy complexity, which remained as subconscious, toward simplicity for survival in the form of the distinct consciousness. In order for the mind to contend with complexity in the material, it necessarily had to forgo subconscious flexibility for conscious exactness. Genetic evidence suggests that the development of consciousness has a lot to do with the repeated copying of one particular gene multiple times over and over (Tiwary 2016). This implies consciousness may be an abstraction of abstractions, or redoubling of the subconscious self. The subconscious then can be likened to the air in the balloon of consciousness.


This explains why the two ends of education gradation were more hesitant of COVID19 mRNA injections at the same time, while those with masters degrees, or upper-middle, were least hesitant (King 2021). There is a basic deficiency in modern degenerated culture. It fails the population by encouraging behaviours that block spiritual development, a certain negativistic and hypercritical mindset (Roe 2023a). This upper-middle was most easily swayed by artificial changes and social pressures, while the two ends are accustomed to relying upon intuition and tradition.

The middle get lost in the monotony of their conscious experience, confusing society for reality, when it was only ever part of themselves. Those higher and lower in education gradations realise limitations in the comprehension of reality, which justifies reliance on traditions and legacy behaviours. For instance, the people with doctorates who resisted were likely relying upon the basic tradition of drug testing, that time honoured legacy of observation in science.



Spiritual alienation is the misalignment of the two elements of mind, conscious and subconscious, and it expresses itself through social alienation. It is the corruption of Spirit. Alienation is present in all people but continues due to maladapted beliefs. Many mistake society for some harsh reality, rather than a fundamental spiritual part of the self. People shrug society out of a desire to reject reality. The error is believing a person can be complete apart from either society or reality.

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All irrationality are the erratic behaviours in suboptimal life, or as so reconstructed in the strange images conveyed by the subconscious. Is this a product of the subconscious per se or its function as reflective of consciousness? Is such error derived from the conscious or subconscious? Consciousness is the more actively willed system of the mind, which is to say it is control. Error stems from lack of control. The subconscious is the genie, but it can only serve the ‘master’ insofar as it is in alignment.


The nervous system exists throughout the body, and the entire system are deeply connected through the tree of Life, the spine. The mind and Life force energy are more than simply connected. Life energy is not separate from mental energy, they are the same. This Life force is the Soul, and Spirit is its character. The conscious and subconscious are the internal dualistic experience of Spirit, this is what we call the mind. When these two elements of experience align, there is Manteia, the state of mind underlying what Hegel called Absolute Spirit.

ai generated, woman, mystic

Spirit is orchestrated through Creation and Reason by the conscious controls, the particular spirituality. Materiality is easily identified with alienation as the corruptor of Spirit toward non-universalising particulars. ‘Abstract thought’ then is the harnessing of subconscious power, the ‘conscious-subconsciousness’ spreading out to embody the universalising Spirit, in concert with the material but never for material nor purely particular ends.


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Children demonstrate far greater presence than their apparent awareness belies, this is not an illusion because there is infinite complexity present. When a foetus is first formed, infinite complexity is already present. Naiveté in the conscious mind is mistaken for being less, however everything enabled in the constricted consciousness is through intrigue of the subconscious. However, children are exceptionally talented creators with limitless imaginations from a very young age. So the development of adult ‘awareness’ corresponds with the tightening of this conscious condition and a loosening of the attachment with those creative aspects of mind. In emotional attachments for living beings capable of it, especially mammals and some birds, something is very deep and real.


King, W. C., Rubinstein, M., Reinhart, A., & Mejia, R. (2021). Time trends, factors associated with, and reasons for COVID-19 vaccine hesitancy: A massive online survey of US adults from January-May 2021. PloS one16(12), e0260731. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0260731
Roe, M. A. (2023a). Epistemology in Crisis series. 24K Journal of Virtues ScienceEpistemology in Crisis – Special Issue 0 of 2024
Roe, M. A. (2023b). Spiritual Material – Theory of Spiritual Mate Selection – Resurrexit Spiritus part 5. 24K Journal of Virtues ScienceResurrexit Spiritus: Spiritual Phenomenology, Evolution of Spirit, First Other Theory of Fatherhood Attachment, and Structural Virtues System
Roe, M. A. (2024a). Aquatic-Terran Hybridisation Theory of Hominid Evolution series. unpublished.
Tiwary, B. K. (2016). Evolution of the SRGAP2 Gene Is Linked to Intelligence in Mammals. Biomedicine Hub1(1), 1–12. doi:10.1159/000443947

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