Manteic Ontology and Theory of Mind part 2 – Plasmatic Soul and the Telektronic Brain

touch, hands, universe

ai generated, man, analytical psychology

“If we understand and feel that here, in this life, we already have a link with the infinite, desires and attitudes change.” – Jung

In the depths of mind’s eye,
Lives a secret deep inside,
Of what is yours and what is mine,
Inlaid jewels, brightly hiding,
Awkward tears inset shining,
The deep in which we all confide,
Illuminating us to blindness,
But I can still see God’s eye,
Staring as I failed to find,
All that I had previously denied,
In mere gratitude for second tries…



The frontal cortex has a lower neuronal density than the rest of the brain. Why is this? The frontal cortex is intensively involved in mental activities generally considered to be more advanced, which is to say abstractions and additional layers of logic. It does not make sense, from a materialist perspective, for a supposedly “biological computer” to do more with less.

It cannot be because the frontal cortex ‘needs’ ‘fewer’ neurons. What sort of a processor packs more power with fewer transistors and less density? So why is it that the best and most advanced ‘fleshware’ we have has fewer ‘neurons’ per square inch than the rest of the brain? There must be value in the space. There are no electronic computers that operate this way, and the primary value in spacing is for the purposes of cooling.

axon, brain, cell


It must mean the metaphoric conception of neurons as fleshy ‘transistors’ most people conjure regarding the brain is simply wrong, and cannot be correct in anyway. Transistors were invented with the underlying mechanics of electronics and electrical design as foundation, which are largely human mechanically-developed constructs. Neurons are natural bodies which must have evolutionarily developed more physically inline with the limitations and advantages of reality.

cubes, impossible, geometry


The real answer is that the brain and spine are not purely the seat of consciousness as modern science heavily implies. Rather the brain and spine are a collection of highly evolved biological instruments for our ‘energetic’ souls to utilise, and how we are able to do anything at all. This is why we are so dependent upon the health of our bodies and physical minds in order to continue interacting with the world.

three d, 3d, abstract

pieces of man


Now, the reason, in my opinion, why the frontal cortex has all this extra space between neurons is that the impulses through the space over time are potentiating, which is what we call “thought,” and a tiny piece of the larger divine of God in creation. Potentiate billions of times and you have an extremely powerful local potentiator. Thought is creation, and this is why the use of thought for stupid things is a sin. When you watch porn, you are wasting literal divine potential, a tiny infinitesimal fraction sure but still even that. Mockery and minimisation of the soul is typically done out of pain and a desire to continue down the path of ruin, especially when justifying trodding upon others.


cyber brain, computer, brain


The subconscious-conscious lived being of human soul is manifested within life energy. The energetic soul is proved by life energy, its persistence, and its relationship to the operation of mind. This soul is operational to the neuronal interfaces in the brain, a “telektronic” matrix for life energy to operate a fragment of mind through the material. So thoughts are more like waves and ripples through the continuous fabric of congruent coordinations in thought, loosely a “state of mind,” but not just the turn of phrase.



circuit board, brain, digital

The neurons may instead be seen as a system which produces unified “state” (a programming term not ideal though infinitely philosophically adaptable). The unified state is the conscious-subconscious complex which subsists between the energetic and the biologic, merging energy (spirit) and matter (body), in a dance of progressive infinite regression towards moderation. First there was the subconscious and creative, parent system, then there was the conscious and logical, child system.


It is through meditation that humanity may learn of subconscious primacy, which is when the subconscious-extracted consciousness is still and quiet. Ancestral species had these two much less divided, mostly part of the same mind. Relative the entire animal kingdom, humanity developed toward greatest separation. Though the earliest signs of mammalian conscious delineation evolutionarily stem from circumstances related to the behaviour of sleep. Dreams are most likely when the consciousness unloads things in figurative language to the subconscious.


The human mind has developed through the selection of a certain balance in that internalised alienation between the consciousness and subconsciousness. This is because such balance led to higher quality dialectic and thought transformations, which is to say Reason. However, it is also this alienation that unfortunately encourages people to seek escape in materialism.

cliff, ledge, wonder

Alienated people will often look to society for solutions to their problem. This is most common when the consciousness is beholden to an immature subconscious. The subconscious can best mature through interactions in natural human order, culture, and Art, things very much lacking now in our modern societies. A person so enslaved imagines the self through the eyes of people who are fundamentally different from the self, and so they will develop delusions of better self incorporation through modification of the material. However, the only worthy incorporation that can fulfil their needs is internal, no matter how much the obsession is fed. There are beneficial changes to be done at the material, though they are limited to health.



man, destruction, double exposure

Reshaping of the material self and body, outside of simple reasonable health, is hardly ever spiritually beneficial, and certainly not where it feeds delusion. Marx’s notion that alienation can be resolved through simple economic and political revolution is a materialist fantasy, and ignores the preliminary order necessary for such things. Marx’s strategies were purely deconstructive, where the means to true revolution must be constructive, progressive, and undeniable. The only way to bring about economic change is for enough people to spiritually awaken. This is a constant subconscious awareness that is forced into cooperation with consciousness.

In a more perfect society, the alienation of particulars and universals might be resolved by early adulthood as a part of education and experience. Adulthood alienation lays the foundation for the conceit, confusion, and sloth aspects of materiality, a deepening of sin. Humanity moves away from the mutuality of conscious and subconscious, toward distorted mental evolution. This also explains most dysphoric issues and many other mental disorders, so fundamental is this alienation. When the alienated consciousness is finally completely separated from the subconscious, it destroys the ability to Reason through problems.

“Do not conform to this age, but continually transform by renewing your minds so that you may be able to determine what God’s will is – what is proper, pleasing, and perfect.” – Apostle Paulus


fog, tree, nature

Are we created in God’s image or in the image of God’s own imaginings, shaping our own potential? Are we not creators through our creator and by nature of our creation? Is not creation always happening? Is that not what evolution is? Is not the reason for our very materiality that we might expand it logically and toward good ends?

The more the mind is freed, the greater the incessant need to understand reality and all its parts. This need is something separate from all other needs, as it does not pertain to mere survival but does require the practise of Art for development of its skill. It is just as primal a force as survival though. The greatest skill to develop with Art is the alignment of particular Reason to universal Reason, self to universality. So it is true that Reason of its greatest minds has been, for humanity, the natural expression of Reason in the Universe.


The human mind has a special relationship with energy, especially life energy, the soul, and its purpose in reality. This is proved by the attraction of the conscious and subconscious interaction toward an unfolding of reality, its nature and relation to us. Life, the Universe, and everything consists of energy, and its secrets may only be revealed through Reason. So it is that Reason is the purpose of reality and life energy, and it is then our purpose as energetic souls capable of Reason through mind. 

lightning, storm, sky

Materialism is false and empty necessarily because it represents only the extrinsic half of reality. It will never explain all of reality by itself as it cannot justify the connections between patterns of life energy, thought, and consciousness. Life is the greatest miracle of our energised planet, and it is our lived experiences which are chosen as immutable. The connection between bodily energy and the sparking over dendritic ‘circuits of nerves’ is too profound to ignore. The same energy causal to matter and reality must also determine the shapes of thoughts (Roe, 2024). In future articles of this series, I will be exploring the ramifications of our intrinsic purpose in a society becoming more increasingly hostile to humanity.

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